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In our area of rapid and continuous technological change, traditional leadership is outdated. Strategic improvements need cultural change. 

The bravest, and most successfull, leaders realize that leadership itself is the most important thing now and in the future. To lead by asking and including the staff, giving large mandates and hiring specialists. AnnaKarin Lith has solid experience in building new leadership in media organizations. Shared leadership and question-based leadership are her ways into a necessary, cultural change from top management and further out into the entire organization. 

Organizational development

Digital quality journalism is the focus when editors reconsider their way of working. Traditional departments need to be torn down and new internal collaborations and roles must be built up.

Your employees need an organization that gives them the opportunity to take responsibility for the success of the entire company. AnnaKarin Lith has succeeded in changing regional and local media, from the smallest newsroom to intire companys with over 1000 employees. The outcome of a culture change is crucial to create new business.


Digital transformation in newsrooms

Many newsrooms have difficulty working "digital first". Print is still a major contributor to the company's revenue, and globally there are +500,000 journalists still working who started their careers in the the print era.

However, without digital transformation journalism dies. Slow regeneration is a major risk factor.  AnnaKarin Lith has worked with digital conversion in regional and local newsrooms and she knows why digital is different and how to organize a digital newsroom. She has extensive experience in changing workflows, content strategies and product development, all to make each digital reader more loyal and engaged. 

Digital subscribtion development

Reducing churn, maintaining subscriber growth, and expanding digital subscriptions are the cornerstones of media companies' digital business strategy.

AnnaKarin Lith has extensive experience in data-driven strategies to build insight, customer loyalty and measurable goals. She understands digital product development, price increase models, bundling, and the necessity to modernize to avoid becoming irrelevant.



Audience-centric digital quality journalism requires continuous skills development for all employees. Outdated and ineffective training methods prevent the necessary knowledge change in the newspaper industry.

Sending a few employees on course a couple of times a year is outdated. AnnaKarin Lith helps you develop your company's unique model for successful learning in everyday working life. 


Lith initiated together with the Finnish company Learningmiles an internal training (Future Works) in Mittmedia for +600 employees. Future Works is a unique combination of business development, cultural reinvention, and professional development. A modern, supporting processes of strategic change, awarded "Best in Europe" by the International News Media Association, INMA.


With long experience of board work in media companies, AnnaKarin Lith can assist your board with valuable input in your restructuring work, through mentoring, as a lecturer or as a board member.

She is known as a strategic, business-oriented, courageous and responsible board member. AnnaKarin Lith has also successfully initiated and implemented integration and collaboration within regional media groups.

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